
OM has had an influence in Malaysia for over 30 years. From the early days of sending recruits to the Ships Ministry it has moved on to cross-cultural training and ministry for short and long term workers in Gospel-destitute areas of the world.


Ministry opportunities in Malaysia

It is an extremely exciting time for the Malaysian church as God is calling her to Rise Up. The Malaysian church is underperforming in sending workers. However, in the past 15 years, we have seen the Malaysian churches becoming increasingly evangelistic locally and in South East Asia. God has also brought unreached people groups to our door-step and the Malaysian churches can no longer live in their comfort zone.

OM Malaysia has been influential in Malaysia for over 30 years, from the early days of sending recruits to the Ships Ministry, taking the gospel throughout the country through Logos Media Outreach and mentoring many church leaders through the cross cultural training programmes.

Today, OM Malaysia’s primary role is to mobilize and equip Malaysia believers for mission as well as mentoring the Next Generation in discipleship and evangelism.  

  • Out of the Comfort Zone Asia: A short term mission programme that provides exposure, experience and equips participants to take the Good News to Asia through a 5-day conference followed by a 10-17 day life-changing journey to one of 12 difference outreach countries. “OCZ provides a good opportunity to encounter God in a refreshing way and experience His heartbeat for the nations.” – Malaysian OCZ participant.
  • Sabah short term exposure programme: A great opportunity to experience cross-cultural living as you serve in an international team to support the local churches in reaching the indigenous communities in the interior of Sabah. You will get to share and demonstrate the love of Christ to the people of Sabah along with being involved in discipleship and youth ministry and some practical work.
  • TeenStreet Malaysia: TeenStreet exists to work with the church to motivate and equip Christian teens in cultivating a real friendship with Jesus so that they can reflect Him in their world. TeenStreet’s double vision is to love God and love people. A highlight in TeenStreet is the tnt.race (teens need teens) where teenagers learn the value of giving by raising funds to help other teenagers in need and participating in an afternoon of team building through fun challenges and obstacles.


How you can get involved:

  • PRAY
    • Pray for the leadership of the country to be honest, impartial, just and committed to stewarding the environment and governing the people with wisdom and righteousness. (Source: Operation World 2010)
    • Pray for continued church growth, but also for a deep work of the Holy Spirit in preserving, building up and emboldening believers to thrive amid the pressure.  (Source: Operation World 2010)
    • Pray for the Malaysian churches who have the resources and the understanding, but need courage and commitment to reach the less reached people groups in Malaysia. (Source: Operation World 2010)
  • GO — Please email for all enquiries on mission opportunities.

More information about Malaysia (text box)

  • Population: 29.72 million (Source: World Bank 2013)
  • Official language: Bahasa Malaysian
  • State of economy: Export-based nation producing rubber, palm oil, petroleum and forest and agricultural products as well as, increasingly, hi-tech manufacturing. Government-enforced programmes which were highly discriminative have enriched a minority Malays, while increasing the gap between the connected elite and the poorer majority. (Source: Operation World 2010)
  • Religious make-up: 62.61% Muslim, 12.7% Taoist, 9.43% Christian, 6.5% Buddhist, 6.2% Hindu, 2.56% others (Source: Operation World 2010)
  • Personality of the culture/people: Malaysia is one of the most pleasant countries to visit in Southeast Asia. The culture is multifaceted, comprising of the Malay, Chinese, Indian and various indigenous people groups. Their diverse customs enthrall visitors. Malaysian citizens are 67.4% Bumiputera, 24.6% Chinese, 7.3% Indian and 0.7% Others (Source: Wikipedia)
  • Spiritual needs: Malaysians are bracing themselves for difficult days ahead as many become frustrated with issues relating to discrimination and corruption as well as changes to religious freedom. The churches in Malaysia, especially the indigenous believers in Sabah and Sarawak, need to be prepared and empowered as they face relentless pressure from the religious circles. The lack of full time workers has become one of the greatest hindrances to effective ministry and discipleship especially in rural churches. (Source: Operation World 2010)

For more information please contact:

Our Stories

Tan Li Huay cover
自2015年起,Tan Li Huay 与 OM 开始了一段奇妙而充满挑战的旅程。此后,她参与了 OM 的各种事工以及 OM 合作伙伴的事工。最令她难忘的是与一位波斯尼亚老妇人同住的日子,这位老妇人不会说英语,而Li Huay 也不会说波斯尼亚语!
Tan Li Huay cover
Tan Li Huay’s journey with OM that started in 2015 was the beginning of an amazing and challenging journey. She had since been part of various OM ministries as well as OM partner ministries. Her most memorable time was living with an elderly local woman who spoke no English while Li Huay spoke no local language!
Steven Soon cover
Joining Logos Hope for three months when he was 20 was God’s briefing for Steven Soon’s calling in life. He was propelled into life as an undergraduate, and later in the working world, clearly aligned with God’s heartbeat.