Catalytic Ministries

Muslim diaspora

Muslim Diaspora communities are perhaps the fastest growing mission field in the world.

From Canada to Hong Kong, Finland to South Africa, Muslim refugees and immigrants are settling into new neighbourhoods. Catalytic teams work amongst Arabs, Afghanis, Iranians, Kurds, Pakistanis, Somalis, Turks and other Muslim groups to help them integrate into the societies of their new countries.

Our workers are also sharing the gospel and inviting their new neighbours into Christian community. Gatherings of Jesus followers are forming, integrating into local churches and even reaching out to people they know back home.


Explore these opportunities to serve with one of our teams around the world.

Community in action


Planting communities of Jesus followers

God calls all people into community with Himself and each other. Muslim cultures are very community-oriented and often build new communities when settling in other countries. Our Catalytic teams are therefore focusing on building relationships with Muslims by working within the existing Muslim communities, families, clans and friendship groups and forming small groups of believers from Muslim backgrounds who can reach out to their own neighbours and friends.

Equipping workers

To live vibrantly as Jesus followers means communities must be multiplying. Catalytic teams are mobilising, training and mentoring believers to share and live within Muslim diaspora communities through seminars, providing short-term outreach opportunities and Bible college internships, leading workshops for local churches and teaching courses at Bible schools about ministry amongst Muslims.

Young lady with smile
“There are few ministries in OM that are more connected to our new vision statement, to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers planted among the least-reached peoples of the world, than ministry among the Muslim diaspora.”

— Bill Drake, Director of Catalytic Ministries

Latest Stories

Heavy fighting broke out in Sudan on 15 April 2023, devastating many residential areas and causing a critical lack of food, water and medical care for people in affected areas.
OM is continuing to support Jesus followers in Sudan as they share Jesus’ love in word and action amid a continuing humanitarian crisis.
Young women living in a slum in Bangladesh have the opportunity to learn a technical skill like sewing, enabling them to earn a living.  Photo by Garrett N
Working both in the city and in rural areas, OM's women's ministry team serves the women of Bangladesh by offering lessons such as computer literacy, tailoring and literacy.
A worker is praying, kneeling next to an Arabic Bible, the language spoken in the area he serves in. Photo by Johanna Bird.
Gordon and Julie have seen people journey from an initial interest in the gospel to dedicating their lives to God. Sometimes this journey takes many years to complete.