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Treck népal
Margot and Hadriel are two young French people who each made the choice to leave their comfort zone and plunge into a context completely different from their own, becoming involved in activities that did not necessarily have any connection with their professional training. They invite you on… a missionary journey.
Petra de Lange

I have been married to my high school sweetheart for the past 35 years and the Lord blessed us with 3 boys.


OM in France is part of OM international, we send as many people as we receive on mission. We always work closely with local churches, and other OM offices in other countries. Here are our main ministries here in France:


Partir en mission à court terme

Avec Opération Mobilisation vous pouvez partir en mission à court à terme (de 1 semaine à 6 mois) dans un des 140 pays où nous sommes ou sur un des navires.

Où partir ?

Partir en mission à long terme

Vous pouvez vous engager sur du long terme (plus de 6 mois) également. Venez comme vous êtes !

Voir les possibilités

Meet the french team

Why OM ?

At its heart, OM is a movement whose DNA is a group of people completely sold out to Jesus Christ and His commands. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we cross boundaries, we push limits. We want OM to remain a movement of God, utterly dependent upon Him and showing that dependence by our commitment to His Word and to waiting upon Him in prayer.

“Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. ”

Psalm 96 : 3